Split Air Conditioner

Split Air Conditioner

Martin Howard February 22, 2011 View all blog articles

What is A Split Air Conditioner? Something that you will probably see if you live off base on Guam is a "split ac". I'd never heard of them before I got here myself.

Think of it as a room air conditioner that doesn't take up window space. Usually mounted high on the wall, the actual air condenser part of the unit is outside mounted on the sidewalk or maybe on a ledge that cools the air and sends it inside. They come in various sizes to cool various rooms.

Split air conditioners offer a few advantages. First, you only have to cool the room you want to cool, not the whole house, so you can save a considerable amount of money. You don't have to clean the air ducts because there are none.

And, you don't have to worry about your central air conditioner going out and the whole house baking until you get it replaced.