Including Cable, Internet & Other Services

Martin Howard July 1, 2013 View all blog articles

I wanted to put a little information out on including utilities or other services in the cost of rent. There's been a few people this year that have found themselves in hot water with the housing office and thought it's worth a little time here.

It's been coming up more and more lately, people have been asking to have the cost of internet, tv, and other services, sometimes even home phone included in the rent. Some agents may even be promoting that as a way of closing a deal, at least that's the rumor.Service members receive a pretty heavy utility allowance, $600 without dependents $800+ with. That money is paid to cover the cost of power & water, and I assume trash is figured in to. It's pretty widely undersood on Guam that should power and or water be identified in the lease as "included" that the utility allowance is adjusted accordingly. So that covers power and water. But what about other services, like cable, internet, phone, lawn service, security alarms, etc?

One argument could be that so long as it's not the power and water it's no problem to include those other services mentioned. those items aren't included in the lease and therefore not against any of housing's rules.

But that's not according to Andersen housing, as of this morning anyway. They were pretty clear that OHA is for RENT ONLY. Any additional services that are included have some value and their cost is a portion of the rent. So on a $2000 per month rental that the owner includes yard service that's say, $70.00 per month, then the "true rent" is $1930.00, and that would be the authorized amount for that particular property.

I know this isn't what people want to hear, but it's unfortunate that a few people have already gotten themselves into trouble over it. Saving a couple hundred bucks a month is great, but not when it's at the expense of administrative and / or criminal action against you.