How to Effectively Save Energy at Home

How to Effectively Save Energy at Home

Martin Howard June 13, 2014 View all blog articles

One of the things most people find themselves complaining about when it comes to their homes is the electricity bill that comes their way like clockwork every month. With all the newfangled gadgets and gizmos that people cannot seem to live without these days, it is then but natural that your consumption goes up. What can you do to help save energy at home, and to reduce your electricity bill as well? Here are some useful tips:

  1. Unplug – yes, even if appliances are turned off, these still eat up electricity in what is called a phantom load. If you are not using these appliances, unplug them so you don't have to pay for electricity you are not actually using. You can also use a power strip that you can simply switch off when these appliances are not in use, or you can also unplug the power strip so that all appliances that are unused and plugged into it get unplugged in one fell swoop.

  2. Change your lights – try to find light bulbs that are considered energy savers, and you will find that these actually use less than half of what your old bulbs use in terms of energy. Two of the best options for this are CFL and LED lights. CFLs are compact fluorescent bulbs that are great for replacing incandescent bulbs with, and LEDs are energy-efficient bulbs that use diodes for producing light.

  3. Improve insulation - one of the culprits behind high electric bills is poor insulation. This is because heating and cooling your home will cost more when the heat or cool air (which is generated by electricity powered appliances) escapes from your home due to poor insulation. Improving the insulation of your home will make the heating and cooling of the place more effective, thereby cutting your energy usage by a huge percentage.

Check out these videos presented by the National Wide Life;

Energy-Saving Tips inside Your Home 1 of 2

Energy-Saving Tips inside Your Home 2 of 2

In order for you to find an energy efficient home, one that has proper insulation to start with, you should ask the help of a real estate broker when you search for a home. These possible issues are some of the things that experienced brokers look into, like those from They check all of the possible problems that may come with the homes they are checking out for their clients, and have these fixed or they find other alternatives in order to give their clients the kind of home that is energy efficient, as well as suited to their needs.