9 Pest Prevention Tips That You Should Apply Today

9 Pest Prevention Tips That You Should Apply Today

Martin Howard October 27, 2014 View all blog articles

Pest control is one of the most crucial problems of any home owner and potential home buyer. But when you are equipped with proper knowledge about this chore, keeping those pests out of your home should not be a big deal. So here is a short list of pest prevention tips that you should apply today:

  1. Keep your house clean.

    Clean up beverage and food spills. Place garbage into bins with secure lids. Fix leaky plumbing. Clean off kitchen counters. Doing these simple chores will deny pests easy access to food and water sources.

  2. Declutter regularly.

    Eliminate unnecessary stuff in your closets and garages. Have an inventory of your storage areas to ensure that these spaces are not filled with trash. Pests such as rodents and cockroaches like clutter since it provides them a place to establish a harborage spot.

  3. Look for all sources of water.

    Pests need moisture to survive. And when water accumulated both inside and out of your house, pests will surely thrive. So make sure to get rid of excess moisture by keeping faucet, garden hose spigots, gutters, plumbing pipes, down spouts, and irrigation systems in good repair.

  4. Fasten your screens securely.

    Make sure your window screens have no tears in them to keep flying insects out. The same tip goes for your doors and door frames. Pests, most especially mosquitoes and flies, can quickly slip through even the slightest entryway.

  5. Protect your pets.

    Regularly wash your pet bedding to help prevent fleas from attacking your dog or cat. Also, do not leave your pet's food and water out overnight. If you apply pesticides, your pet's food and water should be removed from the area.

  6. Maintain your garden and landscape.

    When the weather is cold, do not forget to get rid of rotten fruits and vegetables. Do not let fallen leaves pile up by pruning the trees and bushes around your house. Most importantly, weed regularly. Pests love to hide in yard debris, so keeping your lawn manicured will prompt them to look elsewhere.

  7. Store trash properly.

    Keep food trash in the kitchen and not in waste baskets throughout your home. Your garbage should be placed in a trash can with a lid, and should be emptied each night. Exterior trash bins should have self-closing lids along with tight seals to keep insects out. All trash bins and receptacles should be cleaned regularly, especially if they are exposed to spills. Sanitize as deemed necessary.

  8. Use natural repellents.

    Planting mint or spearmint in the vicinity of your home makes the surrounding smells bad to various pests. A local landscaper in Guam can advise you which pest-repelling plants grow best in your area.

  9. Make your own spray repellent.

    Mix mashed garlic or essential spearmint oil with water and spray the mixture around the exterior of your home. This trick is safe for humans and animals.

    No matter where you house is situated, you shouldn't have to deal with pests. Apply what you've learned here, and start living without rodents, mosquitoes, and cockroaches.